Constitution and Rules
The Constitution and Rules of the Wiltshire Ornithological Society were last amended on 10th April 2019
The Constitution and Rules of the Wiltshire Ornithological Society were last amended on 10th April 2019
2 Raven, 35 Skylark, 50 Corn Bunting - Hackpen Hill - Simon Gathercole
Marsh Harrier - Charlton All Saints - Roger Webb
3 Blackcap - Corsham - Alan Carpenter
HAWFINCH - Grittleton - Stewart Dobson
HEN HARRIER (ringtail), 3 SHORT-EARED OWL, 2 Barn Owl, 6000 Starling - SPTA east - Brian Heath
Little Egret, 2 Water Rail - Wes...
Kingfisher - Chippenham - Mike Eckersley