Cley Hill, Warminster

Outdoor Events
Sunday, 22 April 2018 09:30
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Sunday 22 April 2018, 9.30am, Cley Hill, Warminster.
A return visit by WOS to this National Trust site, just off the A36 close to Warminster. This visit has been planned to hopefully find Ring Ouzel which have been found here in most recent years; alas, with this elusive species, there are no guarantees! We should also see a wide variety of farmland and downland species, and the views are tremendous. A certain amount of climbing steepish gradients is involved.  Morning meeting only.

Details of the meeting place for this trip are on the information sheet issued with the Spring edition of WOS News.

Leader Graham Stacey


All Dates

  • Sunday, 22 April 2018 09:30

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