Ringing Demo, Swindon Sewage Works

Outdoor Events
Sunday, 26 November 2023 07:30

Sunday 26 November 2023; 7:30am, Bird Ringing Demonstration, Swindon Sewage Treatment Works, Swindon.

This is a fantastic opportunity to see birds close up.

At this time of year we should see a wide variety of birds including Snipe, Teal, Chiffchaff and hopefully Jack Snipe.

The demonstration will be limited to 16 members and these should register their interest with full contact details to Matt Prior - details on the programme which you will have already received with WOS News.

The weather will also be a deciding factor and so the meeting could be cancelled due to poor weather conditions at short notice.

It is not a walk as such so members are advised to wear thermal layers, especially socks and footwear.

Leader Matt Prior 


All Dates

  • Sunday, 26 November 2023 07:30

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