Fyfield Down, near Marlborough

Outdoor Events
Sunday, 08 September 2024 09:30
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Sunday 8 September 9:30am, Fyfield Down, Nr Marlborough

A 5 mile walk over chalk downland which includes a mix of hedgerow, open grazing and woodland. Birds should include a variety of species including finches, buntings and raptors plus the possibility of migrants. The walk will last into the afternoon so lunch should be brought. 

Details of the meeting place and the mobile number of the leader will be in the monthly email which is posted either at the end of month preceding the walk or at the beginning of the month in which the walk is to take place and is also on the Programme which you will sent with the summer WOS News.

Leader Brian Davies 


All Dates

  • Sunday, 08 September 2024 09:30

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