14th January 2025
3 Blackcap - Thickwood - Chris Woods
RING-NECKED DUCK - Fonthill Lake
What a difference a week makes. With actual leaves on trees now and an early morning starting temperature of a toasty 1°c it seems that spring has actually arrived. The first two birds of the morning were once again Grasshopper Warbler’s . There seems to have been a bit of an influx of new birds as we ended the morning with five new Groppers, a day record for the site. With no retraps from birds caught in the same nets during the last two weeks I guess the original birds were just passing through. Also now on site in good numbers are Garden Warbler’s with six new and five retraps, including two from 2010. All seven singing Nightingale’s on site all seem to be on territories since they were all in the same locations as last week. We did manage to catch one retrap which was unfortunately the same bird as last week. The last bird of the morning ringed was a rather nice Green Woodpecker proving that while it can spend the whole morning playing chicken with some of the nets, it didn’t know where we’d put all of them. A decent morning in the sunshine with 59 new and 30 retraps. GD/PD/OF
Green Woodpecker 1, Wren 2, Dunnock (4), Robin 3(2), Nightingale (1), Blackbird (1), Song Thrush (1), Grasshopper Warbler 5, Sedge Warbler 1, Lesser Whitethroat 2, Whitethroat 16(7), Garden Warbler 6(5), Blackcap 16(2), Chiffchaff (5), Willow Warbler 1(1), Long Tailed Tit (1), Blue Tit 2, Chaffinch (1), Goldfinch 1, Bullfinch 3
The latest bunch of recoveries has just arrived from the BTO. There were a few nice movements around the country and one outstanding recovery from France of the only adult Lapwing I've ever caoght. GD
Chiffchaff Westdown, Salisbury Plain 27 Sep 2011 to Budleigh Salterton, Devon 27 Mar 2013 (GD)
Linnet Hannington 11 Feb 2011 to Kendal, Cumbria 2 Apr 2013 (MP)
Robin Westdown, Salisbury Plain 27 Sep 2011 to East Stour, Dorset 19 Feb 2013 (GD)
Reed Bunting Swindon STW 9 Feb 2012 to Brandon Marsh, Warks 16 Feb 2013 (MP)
Lapwing Nightingale Wood, Swindon 13 Jul 2005 to Roz Landrieux, Ille-et-Vilaine France 31 Dec 2012 (GD)
Reed Bunting Brimpton GP, Berks 22 Oct 2011 to Nightingale Wood, Swindon 12 Feb 2013 (GD)
Since the half of the group that usually come out with me to this site were either abroad on holiday or playing with their organ (the church type) it was all down to me today. Even with a very early start I only managed to get 11 nets ups in time since it’s hellishly difficult to get nets up on chalk downland on your own. The advantage of being on your own is you do get to ring all the good birds you catch.It was certainly a morning of quality rather than quantity as summer migrants were still thin on the ground with virtually no Whitethroat's which are normally the site's most common bird. The first two birds were Grasshopper Warbler’s with another two later on which were followed shortly after by a Redstart. Reed Warbler and Lesser Whitethroat’s then made their first appearance of the year in the nets. The best bird of the day was the last, a nice Tree Pipit which is only the second one I’ve caught at this site in the Spring compared to over 100 in the Autumn.Even the retraps had some quality to them with a Nightingale first caught in 2009 and a Blackcap and Chiffchaff from 2007. GD
Tree Pipit 1, Wren 3, Dunnock (1), Robin 2(1), Nightingale (1), Redstart 1, Song Thrush 1, Grasshopper Warbler 4, Reed Warbler 1, Lesser Whitethroat 2(1), Whitethroat 3(1), Blackcap 9(1), Chiffchaff (5), Willow Warbler 7(2), Chaffinch 1(1), Goldfinch 2, Bullfinch 1, Yellowhammer 2
A bonus mid-week session today with mostly the same net set as Sunday. While setting the nets a Grasshopper Warbler started singing and was quickly encoraged into becoming the first customer of the morning. The second bird of the morning, a control Blackcap Y477147 kept the good start going. Most of the Willow Warbler's that were around at the weekend appear to have moved on but there were still plenty of Blackcap's, with birds singing from almost every bush. Three Sedge Warbler's were singing from the reedbed, the first of the spring and two Lesser Whitethroat's were singing from the hedgerows. Not too many birds caught, but a nice easy paced morning of coffee and biscuits in the sunshine. GD/OF
Wren (2), Grasshopper Warbler 1, Sedge Warbler 1, Whitethroat 1(1), Blackcap 18(4), Chiffchaff (1), Willow Warbler 2(1), Long Tailed Tit 2, Blue Tit 1, Bullfinch 1(2)
3 Blackcap - Thickwood - Chris Woods
RING-NECKED DUCK - Fonthill Lake
MERLIN - Winterbourne Downs - Tom Coldwell
CATTLE EGRET, Common Gull - Bromham - Richard Pike
87 Gadwall, 4 Shoveler, 3 Little Egret, 2...
6 Woodcock, 8 Siskin - Gasper - John Howell
2 Blackcap - Swindon - Graham Deacon