25th January 2025
GREAT BLACK-BACKED GULL, 650 Starling - Milk Hill - Tom Coldwell
4 Lesser Redpoll - Warminster - Debbie Stephens
2 HEN HARRIER (males), SHORT-EARED OWL, 6 Grey Partridge,...
I'm just back from a sucessfull week ringing at a new bird observatory set up by by friend Nigel at Herdla near Bergen.
For sheer numbers of birds and visible migration that goes on all day you won't see anything better. There were days when you could see 5000+ Fieldfares passing through and flocks of over 100 Redpoll's of all three species continually on the move. Large numbers of Crossbill's were also migrating so it's not suprising that Two-barred and Parrot have turned up in the UK when there are thousands on the move across the North Sea.
With over a thousand birds ringed in the week including a late Wryneck we did quite well. My ringing totals are below and with all the Redpoll's we caught it will be interesting if any turn up here. GD
Great Spotted Woodpecker 2, Blackbird 48, Song Thrush 3, Redwing 8, Fieldfare 4, Wren 9, Robin 8, Blackcap 4, Goldcrest 15, Blue Tit 21, Great Tit 27, Willow Tit 45, Coal Tit 4, Treecreeper 2, House Sparrow 2, Greenfinch 41, Brambling 63, Bullfinch 1, Lesser Redpoll 48, Common Redpoll 534, Arctic Redpoll 7, Common Crossbill 37, Parrot Crossbill 1, Two-barred Crossbill 1
Photos: Parrot & Common Crossbill, Two-barred Crossbill's, Arctic Redpoll
Last Saturday showed migrants still passing through Salisbury Plain: 26 Blackcap, 46 Chiffchaff, 34 Meadow Pipit - so we decided to have one last session for the season this morning.
As expected migrants were present, but much fewer in number: 14 Blackcap, 24 Chiffchaff, 6 Meadow Pipit out of a total of 51 new and 3 retraps.
One of the last birds out of the net was our first Redwing, confirming the season has changed.
Ring-tail HH and Merlin f/juv passed through following the c50 Meadow Pipits we did not catch. Site closed for the winter, back next April to greet the first Nightingales. Phil Deacon, Olly Fox, Andrew Bray
Salisbury Plain (Centre Area) 5 October 2013 Phil Deacon, Olly Fox, Andrew Bray
Nets up and ready for dawn, but the overcast sky delayed first light until 07.00.
Then the rush hour of willing Blackcaps and Chiffchaffs started hitting the nets – including two controls: Blackcap D683130 and Chiffchaff DPK535.
A single Whitethroat, probably the last we will see this year and a very late date Grasshopper Warbler added variety (Matt also had a Gropper at Swindon Sewage Works – see his report below).
From 09.00 Meadow Pipit took over as the predominant bird.
132 birds processed, 123 new, 2 controls and 7 retraps.
Blackcap 26 [1 control], Chiffchaff 46 [1 control] (1), Grasshopper Warbler 1, Whitethroat 1, Goldcrest 1 (1), Meadow Pipit (34), Chaffinch 1, Goldfinch 1, Blue Tit (1), Great Tit 2 (2), Long-tailed Tit 3, Dunnock 3, Yellowhammer 1, Wren 2, Song Thrush 1 (1), Blackbird (1)
Swindon STW 5th October Matt Prior, Simon Wicks, Paul Aubrey
A shortish session before work saw us at the sewage works at quite a late time today of 05:10, this is the latest we have met for ringing since April. We were joined by volunteer supreme Mandy who made us the most delicious lemon and blueberry cheesecake to keep us going. It seemed that there were a lot of birds moving at dawn but we caught a lot less than it appeared were present and the second round was also quite quiet with Blackcaps and Chiffchaffs quite low for the time of year. This sort of migration monitoring can turn anything up though and today we were rewarded with a Reed Warbler and better still a Grasshopper Warbler which is the third latest ever for Wiltshire with the latest ever being on 12th. Overhead migration was well underway with a mix of summer and winter migrants including Swallow, Skylarks, Meadow Pipits and our first Redwings of the autumn.
We ended up with 67 new, the Grasshopper Warbler and a retrap Kingfisher really made everyones day.
Blackcap 28, Chiffchaff 17, Reed Warbler 1, Grasshopper Warbler 1, Wren 1, Song Thrush 3, Blackbird 1, Great Tit 3 (1), Blue Tit 3, Dunnock 7, Reed Bunting 1, Robin 1, Bullfinch 0 (1), Kingfisher 0 (1)
We arrived on site good and early to get all the nets up with Blackcap/Chiffchaff tape lures on in the dark as this time of year if you don't make the effort you don't get a good catch.
Again like last week the catch was dominated with the common migrant species you get in late September with over 100 each for Blackcap and Chiffchaff as well as a nice sample catch of Meadow Pipit's. We even got a control Chiffchaff (ETJ173).
The species variety was well down on last week with Whitethroat the only other warbler species to make an appearance. During the morning we had Sparrowhawk, Kestrel and Hobby buzzing around the pipit nets but failed to catch any of them since we are rather overdrawn at the luck bank after the Great Reed Warbler from the other week.
Another big morning with 270 new, 4 retrap. GD/PD/OF
Meadow Pipit 38, Dunnock 3, Robin 1, Song Thrush (1), Whitethroat 3, Blackcap 118(2), Chiffchaff 106 (1), Reed Bunting 1
GREAT BLACK-BACKED GULL, 650 Starling - Milk Hill - Tom Coldwell
4 Lesser Redpoll - Warminster - Debbie Stephens
2 HEN HARRIER (males), SHORT-EARED OWL, 6 Grey Partridge,...
150 Linnet, 2 Red Kite - Latton - Robin Griffiths
2 Wigeon, Marsh Harrier, Red Kite, 5 Lapwing, Cetti's Warbler - Eysey - Robin Griffiths
Peregrine, 5 Red Kite, 100 Corn ...
2 Stonechat, 9 Red Kite - Middle Woodford - Bob Blamey