30th March 2014 - Savernake
note the matt coloured greater coverts, identifying this bird as a first year.
note the matt coloured greater coverts, identifying this bird as a first year.
How to celebrate your birthday – just north of Avebury 17th March 2014 – if Carling ringed farmland birds.....
I was joined by Rob Turner and Mike Hamzij, the two chaps who trained me many years ago, it is always great to get them out as it reminds me of my appreciation for them training me in the first place. We were at a site in the Thames Valley where we had a good catch three weeks ago but it was clear that today would be quieter as birds start dispersing to breed. It was a morning of slight mishaps as the chaps got delayed on the way with their satnav trying to send them across fields, then they were assisted by the local constabulary back the right way up a one way road, Rob stepped on a peanut feeder and then I capped it all with my chair collapsing under me.
I put up four nets in Britain’s number one Tree Sparrow garden for a very short early morning session. This site is quite condensed and it means that I can catch quite a large proportion of the birds present. This means that we get great feedback as you can see....