4th December 2016 - Marlborough STW

As there were only two of us I thought that a session on the Salisbury Plain targeting Skylarks in particular would mean that we wouldn't catch many but they would be interesting birds if it worked. The night was clear but just as we arrived to set nets, a mist formed and the only part of the entire area that wasn't cloaked in the mist was my ringing site. What then happened was a complete surprise, especially as I set a lot fewer nets than normal. As usual we set nets before light but we set a two-shelf set in the open for Skylark first and the round at dawn produced an amazing 5 Skylark. A large flock of thrushes appeared and the Fieldfares all missed but we did manage to catch our first 6 Redwings of the autumn. It all then got very busy as a flock of Goldcrests went into one net and then the nets filled with a completely unexpected fall of Chiffchaffs. Gary got to ring several new species including Yellowhammer and Linnet and he also got to extract a few birds as well.
2 Wheatear, Willow Warbler, Blackcap - Blakehill - Robin Griffiths
4 HAWFINCH - Grittleton - Stewart Dobson
RING-NECKED DUCK - Fonthill Lake - Tom Coldwell
Willow Warbler - Salisbury - Stephen Hackett
Peregrine, Redstart, Wheatear...
9 Redwing, 12 Chiffchaff - Nightingale Wood - Phil & Graham Deacon
2 Willow Warbler - Westbury STW - Mike Smith